Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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Magnetic Rotor Automatic Balancer

Máquina de equilibrio totalmente automática para perforación vertical vertical

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Mainly used in the unbalance measurement and correction of the magnetic rotors, and can integrate with the rotor production line to realize automatic production.


1.Balancing and weight removal is one-time completion, one machine just requires one person.

2.Fast production cycle time, higher once reduction ratio.

3.Convenient for product changeover, just replace the product fixture and adjust the sensor position.

4.HMI with touch screen, easy to operate.

5.Rigid structure design, high service life.

6.Automatically mill, remove weight and correct the workpiece.

7.Measuring, milling and weight removal data can be exported, convenient for user to do data summary statistics.

8.Can integrate with assembly line to provide fully automatic production.

9.Stable performance, extremely low failure rate. 


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